Have a Permanent Case of the Snacks?
With many of us working from home on a a part or full time basis, chronic snacking has become an issue for many people. Sure, eating more fiber filled meals can help, along with drinking water or tea or incorporating simple distraction tactics. However, sometimes a snack is necessary and some days, you have to go with a day of purposful snacking or mini meals instead of larger, more spread out meals. So how can you do this while still eating healthy & either losing or maintaining a desireable weight? Here are some suggestions for simple snacks or mini meals under 200 calories...
2 thin whole grain rice cakes with 1/3 smashed avocado & Everything but the Bagel seasoning
1/2 banana + 1 tbsp almond butter (frozen & wrapped in tin foil)
1 hard boiled egg + 1 small apple + 5 almonds
3-4 scrambled egg whites, tomato slices + Everything but the Bagel seasoning
2 Cauli Thins, toasted + egg whites
Oikos Triple Zero Yogurt + 1 tbsp nut butter + 1/4 cup wild frozen berries
Plain Greek Yogurt + 1 tbsp pumpkin or sunflower seeds + small diced apple & cinnamon
1 Cauliflower or Wake Up Waffles (both lower carb/higher protein & GF) with 1 tbsp nut butter
1-2 cups grilled veggies with Le Grand Tzatziki
5 cooked shrimp + 1 cup broccoli (cooked in 1-2 tsp olive oil)
1 thin grilled chicken breast (2-3 oz.) + 1/4 smashed avocado + tomato slices
2 squares dark chocolate (72% or higher cacao) + 1-2 tsp nut butter
1 individual pkg. pumpkin/sunflower seeds (Go Raw) or Bienna Honey Roasted Chickpeas
2-3 tbsp hummus + 10 Hu Grain Free Crackers
