Creamy Butternut Squash Soup
One of my favorites! This is packed with nutrients, very satisfying, even as a stand alone meal and of course, gluten free...

2 cups fresh, cubed butternut squash
1 red apple, peeled and cut into large pieces
1 carrot (optional)
½ cup unsweetened almond milk (or skim milk)
1 tbsp almond butter
Cinnamon & nutmeg to taste
Place butternut squash and apple in a pot; add enough water to cover some of the squash & apples
Cover & cook until soft but make sure squash still has bright orange color
Take the apple/squash mixture and place in a blender with the almond milk & almond butter & blend until creamy. Add cinnamon/nutmeg
For thinner consistency, add the cooking liquid to the blender or drink it separately